Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lesson 6- Exploration on analogy metaphor

A metaphor is an analogy between two objects or ideas, conveyed by the use of a word instead of another. Moreover, metaphor also denotes rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison, resemblance.

A metaphor is more forceful (active) than an analogy because metaphor asserts two things are the same, whereas analogy implies a difference.

Explore the feature of traffic light.

Use them to make a people stop smoking in 6 months.

1. Metal: Once begin smoking, the metal material will become hot gradually & make the smoker's hand can't stand the temperature.

2. Dirty: Smokers will feel yucky once smell the rotten odor & remind them mthat their lung will rot if they continue smoking.

3. Sign: Remind smokers that they will lose their love-wife and childer except lose their own lives.

Name Card Sharing

After done some research about creative name card, I found that:

Creative name card can attract people.

The idea can be related to the company type if possible.

Most important, the name card can't be just creative and not meaningful.

Furthermore, namecard have to be easy to keep if possible.

Lesson 5- Juxtaposition


Align 2 or more different objects to show contrast/ similarity through comparison.

Audience's brain will connect & interpret both of the meaning. Moreover, they often think from something familiar to something unfamiliar or vice-versa.

Combination of 2 different elements

There's 2 lists of numbers and subjects.

Group A:
9. Flower
8. Lighting
7. Ice
6. Light
5. Fine
4. Duck
3. Dog
2. Oil
1. Leave
0. Fly

Group B:
0) Head
9) Rain
8) Wood
7) Tree
6) Spider
5) Root
4) Mountain
3) Wind
2) Rock
1) Water

Choose 3 sets of numbers from 0-99.

I choose 01, 14, 72.

Thus, I have to use "0. Fly" from Group A & "1. Water" from Group B.

1st, Create sentences from these 3 combination of random subjects.

1. He tried to fly but drop into water.
14. The beautiful flower can't be survived on the top of mountain.
72. The dog love to listen Rock & Roll music.


2nd, Combine them to create something new.

Did you guess correctly what I am trying to convey?

01. fly + water.
14. flower + mountain.
72. dog + Rock

How Mergers Go Wrong?

Merge 2 animals and make us can't provide any environment for them to live.


New concepts from random elements:

Create passage/ writing that describe the concept of "LIFE"

Life is like lamp.

Cherish it before the bulb doesn't work.

Create passage/ writing that describe the concept of "LOVE"

Love is like chilli.
1. Many people don't dare or regret to love. Nevertheless, never try never know the flavour!

2. You can just eat a bowl of chilli as your lunch!

Create passage/ writing that describe the concept of "MAN"

Man is like mortar & pestle.
1. They keep their pain inside their heart.

2. Don't near them to prevent danger.

3. They can't work without you.

4. If you're weak, they'll bully you. If you are strong, both of you will be doomed to the same fate-break into pieces.

5. Only grandmother love them.

Music Album Sharing

Music album can reflect the song style directly.

They don't have to be complicated design.

Lesson 4- Associated Mind Map

Associated Mind Map

The D point should be stay away to A

& not to be stereotype!

The Logical Mind Map is main for assisting research & essay.

Words on both mind map should be HORIZONTAL but not VERTICATAL

Create new idea of using Mortar & Pestle with random words of the associated mind map.

Those words in associated mind map can help you to jump away from stereotype.

The ideas can be used either 10,000,000 years ago or after 999,999,999 years.

1. Fly: Year 2038, the astronant wear the mortar on butt and use mouth to hold pestle to control the direction.

2. Married: Long long ago, those couples wear mortar & pestle as shoes 1 day before married to give promise to each other.

3. Mcdonald: Once upon a time, Mcdonald build mortar building as shelter on mountain & use it as boat to sell burger on river.

MRT &Bus Rap: A Happy Journey- Phua Chu Kang

Phua Chu Kang- x A Happy Journey

Why must those educational materials be boring?

Is this interesting to educate you to be a polite bus & MRT passengers?

Is this 1 min video better than your mother's long nagging or government's speech?

Are you reluctant to hear his nagging?

I think that it can attract people too even the singer isn't a popular artist like him. The creative concept of the video is most important beginning to help us to convey our messages.

Furthermore, this media can stimulate our senses via watching and listening.

Lesson 3- Method of creative thinking

My Mind Map:

Use your brain! Any subject can be divided like this.

By using those elements can help you to divide your information and explain simply.